We aren't going to tell you where to donate money this season, but we definitely think you should donate somewhere!  

Things to consider:

  1. Donate to charities that mean something to you personally. 
  2. Spread the love around! 
  3. A little goes a long way, so just do what you can. 
  4. Want to know how your charities are measuring up? Check out Charity Navigator to see how your money is going to be used. 
  5. Think big and small - donate to large charitable organizations and smaller local groups too. 
  6. Have extra time on your hands - volunteer to take or hand out donations where needed. 
  7. Winter coats, hats, scarves, gloves, socks and other cold weather essentials are always needed - if nothing else donate any lightly used cold weather gear that you have taking up closet space!  
  8. Even if you can't give time or money, you can also give blood this holiday season. Blood donations typically decline from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day as people get busy with holiday activities and travel - but the demand is typically higher during this time too! 

Jennifer Newton